The UC Publication Management System will be unavailable from Tuesday, January 21 to Wednesday, January 22 as eScholarship undergoes scheduled maintenance. Learn more at eScholarship Support.

Connect your ORCID iD and write publications to ORCID

The UC Publication Management System uses several researcher or author identifiers to better find publications which may be authored by you. In April 2020, the system launched a new feature improving how it finds publications on ORCID as well as allowing you to write publications that you have already claimed in to ORCID record. Learn more below.

  1. ORCID iDs and how the Publication Management System uses them
  2. ORCID settings: Automatic claiming only
  3. ORCID settings: Read and update your ORCID record
    1. Authorize the system to read and update ORCID
    2. Set your ORCID permissions
    3. Send publications to ORCID
    4. Data written to ORCID
    5. Choose which publications to send to ORCID
    6. Synchronize your publications
  4. Frequently asked questions
    1. What is an ORCID iD? How does my campus use ORCID iDs?
    2. I’ve already connected my ORCID iD. Will my publications automatically be added to my ORCID record?
    3. I’m getting an error when I sign into ORCID.
    4. Can my delegate connect my ORCID iD and grant permissions for me?
    5. I have multiple ORCID iDs claimed in my account. How do I set permissions?
    6. I don’t see the publications on my ORCID record
    7. There are duplicate versions of the same publication on my ORCID record
    8. How long does it take for new items and metadata updates to appear on my ORCID record?

ORCID iDs and how the Publication Management System uses them

An ORCID identifier (ORCID iD) is an unique person identifier for any individual who contributes to research. It is opt-in: you must register to obtain an ORCID iD. Your ORCID iD is used by publishers, funders, facilities, and your institution -- including UC -- to distinguish you from other researchers who may share your name and affiliation. Your ORCID iD stays with you throughout your career, and you are in control of your iD and the data in your ORCID record. You can choose what information (if any) to make visible to the public. 

Connecting your ORCID iD to the Publication Management System helps the system identify and automatically claim your publications based on your personal settings. Beginning April 2020, you can also choose to send your publications from the Publication Management System to your ORCID record. This allows your publications to be shared with other systems connected with ORCID, including publishers, funders, and providers of facilities and other research resources.

ORCID settings: Automatic claiming only

The Automatic claiming settings allow you to connect identifiers used to identify you in external data sources, including Scopus, Web of Science (ResearcherID/Publons), and ORCID. The Publication Management System finds identifiers which may be yours when harvesting publication data and provides them to you to claim or reject in this list. When you claim an ORCID iD, the Publication Management System will find any publication associated with that ORCID iD and perform the action that you have specified in your settings 

  1. Access the Automatic claiming settings at

  2. Click on the “Yes”, “No”, or “Ignore” button beside each ORCID iD to tell the system what it should do when it finds this iD connected to a publication. See the below table for automatic claiming options.

    If you do not know whether the ORCID iD is related to you, click the iD’s link and review the data on the account.  

Automatic claim options



When to use


Auto claim items

This iD definitely identifies you, and you want to claim all publications associated with it.

Auto suggest items

This iD sometimes identifies you, or you want to manually select which publications to claim.

No / 


Auto reject items

This iD does not belong to you and you want to automatically reject all publications associated with it. 

Ignore this ID

This iD does not belong to you, but you do not want to automatically reject all publications associated with it. 

ORCID settings: Read and update your ORCID record

Use the ORCID Settings page to connect your ORCID iD to the Publication Management System, authorize the system to read and update your ORCID record, and manage which publications are sent to your ORCID record.

Authorize the system to read and update ORCID

The Publication Management System requires your authorization before it can read or update your ORCID record. If you connected your ORCID iD before April 2020, you must re-authorize the system to access your ORCID account and benefit from the update feature. 

  1. Access the ORCID settings page at
     If you have already claimed an ORCID iD, it will be displayed on the page.

  2. Click the the “Connect your ORCID iD” button

    If there is no ORCID iD displayed, you will be prompted to register or connect your ORCID iD: 

  3. Sign into your ORCID account. If you do not yet have an ORCID account, you will be prompted to register.

  4. Authorize the Publication Management System to read trusted party (limited-access) data and update information on your ORCID record.

  5. You will be returned to the ORCID settings page with the status updated to “configured”. You can revoke your authorization at any time by clicking the “Revoke authorization” link (or by revoking access to the UCPMS in your ORCID Account Settings).

Set your ORCID permissions

To send publications to your ORCID record, you must first select the first setting in the Publication Management System: read from and write publication data to my ORCID account. 

Why isn’t this enabled by default? Good question! ORCID’s permissions are wide, enabling the system to read all public and limited-access data on your ORCID record and update the affiliations, grants, publications, resources, and peer review sections of your ORCID record. 

The system default setting is more limited on how it will use that access, and it allows you to select how you want the system to use your permissions. You can also update or disable these permissions at any time. The permissions: 

  1. Read from and write publication data to my ORCID account: The system updates your ORCID record with your specified publications (see below). It also performs the same actions as in options 2 and 3 below.

  2. Read data from my ORCID account [Default]: The system automatically claims publications which have been added to your ORCID record by you or other organizations (e.g. Crossref). The system also automatically claims any publication it finds in other systems (e.g. PubMed) which has your ORCID iD in the author metadata.

  3. Only use my ORCID iD to support automatic claiming: The system only automatically claims any publication it finds in other systems (e.g. PubMed) which has your ORCID iD in the author metadata. 

Send publications to ORCID

  1. Select the first option to enable the ORCID

  2. Confirm that you wish to send publications to ORCID:

Once enabled, the system automatically updates your ORCID record once a day with any new publications it finds or which you have claimed. You can use the options to further define what type of publications are sent to ORCID, or use the synchronization feature to immediately enqueue your publications. 

Publications will be visible according to your ORCID default visibility settings; the Publication Management System cannot override your personal settings. Learn how to set and update your ORCID visibility settings at: ORCID Support: Visibility settings

Data written to ORCID

The Publication Management System sends the version of your publication that you have set as “preferred” in your account. If you have not set a preferred version, it will send the system default -- the version that you see when reviewing your publications. 

The “Source” of the publication is always labelled as “University of California Publication Management System”, and only the Publication Management System can update that data -- although you can choose to delete it from your ORCID record. 

Finally, all known identifiers are added to the publication record on ORCID to prevent duplication on your ORCID record. ORCID automatically groups publications together based on shared identifiers, such as a DOI or PMID; in the screenshot below, 4 publications from different sources have been grouped together.

Choose which publications to send to ORCID

When you grant the Publication Management System permission to send your publications to your ORCID record, by default the system will send a certain subset of publications: those which have your relationship with the publication (e.g. as author or editor) marked as public and, of the journal articles, those which have a publication date recorded in the system. Update the settings by ticking or unticking the checkboxes:

  1. First checkbox: Send only “published” journal articles [Default]: This option prevents journal articles which are still in the submitted or accepted stage from being sent to ORCID. In general, only a small number of articles are not marked as published in the Publication Management System. It is currently not possible to quickly review which journal articles are marked as “published” from this page.

  2. Second checkbox: Send “private” publications: This option will send any publication which matches the other conditions to ORCID, even if you have marked your relationship as private. You can review which publications have been marked as “private” by clicking the link next to this option.

  3. Third checkbox: Send only “favorite” publications: This option enables you to send to ORCID only the publications you want to send. To favorite a publication, click the “heart” box in your publications list. You can review which publications have been marked as favorite by clicking the link next to this option.

  4. No checkboxes: Send all publications minus the ones in which you have marked your relationship (e.g. as an author or editor) as private in the system. 

To send all publications which you have claimed as “Mine”, tick the second checkbox which sends “private” publications and tick no other checkboxes. 

Synchronize your publications 

You can request that the system immediately add your ORCID record update to the update queue by clicking the “Run Sync” button. The system will update your record within the hour, if not sooner.

Frequently asked questions 

What is an ORCID iD? How does my campus use ORCID iDs?

ORCID identifiers (iDs) are open, long-lasting, non-proprietary digital identifiers provided by the global non-profit organization ORCID. An ORCID iD is free to register and use, and you can use it throughout your research career -- regardless of where you work or in which discipline you research. Many research-related systems ask you to connect your ORCID iD to identify yourself, as well as to read information from your ORCID record that you and other systems have added, including your affiliation(s), publications, grants, and peer review activity. 

In addition to the Publication Management System, your campus’ systems may also use ORCID iDs to identify you and follow your research output. Get in touch with your campus library for more information about how your campus uses ORCID. To learn more about ORCID, see ORCID Support: What is ORCID?

I’ve already connected my ORCID iD. Will my publications automatically be added to my ORCID record?

If you have connected your ORCID iD before April 2020, you must re-authorize the system to access your ORCID account and benefit from the update feature. Follow the steps under ORCID settings: Read and update your ORCID record to enable the Publication Management System to automatically update your ORCID record publications. 

I’m getting an error when I sign into ORCID. 

Try resetting your ORCID password. If you do not recall what email address you used when creating your ORCID iD, contact ORCID’s support team using your UC email address to help restore access to your account. 

Tip: You may be able to connect the same UC account you use to sign into the Publication Management System to your ORCID account using the “Institutional sign in” option. Learn more at ORCID Support: Sign into ORCID using your institutional account

Can my delegate connect my ORCID iD and grant permissions for me?

Connecting your ORCID iD and granting permissions requires that you sign into your ORCID account, and we strongly discourage sharing your ORCID login details with another person. Instead, you can set your Publication Management System delegate as a trusted individual (delegate) in ORCID to help maintain your ORCID account. This also enables them to connect your ORCID iD on your behalf in other situations, such as when submitting manuscripts to a publisher. Learn more at ORCID Support: Add a trusted individual to your account

I have multiple ORCID iDs claimed in my account. How do I set permissions?

Any ORCID iD that you have claimed as yours in your Automatic claiming settings will appear listed in your ORCID Settings

I don’t see the publications on my ORCID record

If the ORCID Settings page already states that it has sent your publications to your ORCID record, but you do not see any there, then this generally is an indication that your default ORCID visibility settings are limited-access (trusted parties) or private (only me). You will need to update the individual visibility of each item, or of all items en masse, before they can be visible on your public ORCID record. 

Sign into your personal ORCID record view to confirm whether your publications have been added by the Publication Management System. You may need to update the visibility settings on some or all items to make the publications visible to everyone. (See: ORCID Support: Visibility settings.) If you do not see any publications with the source “University of California Publication Management System”, reach out to your campus open access policy support team for assistance.

There are duplicate versions of the same publication on my ORCID record

The Publication Management System adds as many publication identifiers as it knows to ORCID to prevent duplication as best it can. However, there may be times that the system does not have all known identifiers indexed, or that other systems have not provided all known identifiers. This can create duplicates versions of the same publication. 

You could log into your ORCID record to delete the duplicates, but we recommend that you use ORCID’s “merge” feature to group multiple versions of the same publication together. Having different data sources on your ORCID record all state that you are a creator or contributor to a publication is beneficial to increasing the trust that the publication is indeed your work. For more information on merging duplicate items together, see: ORCID Support: Group multiple versions of the same work together.

How long does it take for new items and metadata updates to appear on my ORCID record?

In general, it takes between ten minutes to one day for new items to appear on your ORCID record. You can accelerate the process by selecting the "Run Sync" button to move your request higher in queue -- this should update your record within an hour.

Metadata updates to an item in the Publication Management System are set lower in the ORCID connection queue and may take up to 30 days to process. You can jump ahead in queue by changing your settings, removing items from your ORCID record, and change the settings back to how they were originally in order to hard-push the metadata update to ORCID:

  1. Under Manage which publications will be sent, untick the current settings, then select the "Save" button.  
  2. Under You have XX publication, click the "Remove from ORCID" link. 
  3. The page will refresh as the publications being removed. 
  4. Once the publications have been removed and the ORCID settings page refreshed, restore your previous settings, save, then select the "Run Sync" button