The UC Publication Management System will be unavailable from Tuesday, January 21 to Wednesday, January 22 as eScholarship undergoes scheduled maintenance. Learn more at eScholarship Support.

LBL/RGPO users: Connect a grant or DOE funding group to your publication

For users at Lawrence Berkeley Lab (LBL), or who receive grant funding from UC's Research Grants Program Office (RGPO), open access compliance involves an extra step: linking your published work to appropriate grant(s) or fund(s). You may have received an email notification asking you to complete this crucial step to publications you have already claimed or deposited, or you may have been prompted to link a grant or fund when depositing your publication. 

There are multiple methods to add a grant or funding link to your publication:   

  1. Add a grant/funding link to an individual publication during deposit

  2. Add a grant/funding link to an individual publication from the publication page

  3. Add a grant/funding link to one or more publications from the "Create links" page

  4. Troubleshooting

Add a grant/funding link to an individual publication during deposit 

This is the most common way to link a grant/fund as it occurs whilst reviewing and claiming your publications. Access your Pending Publications list by clicking the "Claim Publications" or "Pending" link on your UC Publication Management System homepage, or click this quick access link to go directly to your pending list.

Review the list and claim your publication. If it falls under the US DOE public access policy (LBL) or RGPO open access policy and hasn't yet been deposited to eScholarship, you will proceed to the "link funding" page.

Use the prompts and filters on the page to find the relevant grant(s) or fund(s) and link them to your publication. 


  • RGPO users should use the Related to: Me filter to find all RGPO grants they are listed on. If you do not see a grant from a RGPO program (CHRP, CBCRP, TRDRP, UCRI), please contact the RGPO open access policy team.
  • LBL users may use the Title: USDOE SC filter to find all LBL funding groups which will help report the publication to the USDOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information.

If your publication is not related to funding from the USDOE or RGPO, click the "Not externally funded" or "Grant not list" buttons at the top right of the page.

After linking your grant/fund, click Done to go to the deposit page and upload your publication to eScholarship.

Add a grant/funding link to an individual publication from the publication page 

If you have already claimed or deposited a publication, you can link a grant/fund directly within the publication page. 

Find the publication in your claimed publications list or using the UC Publication Management System search.

Find the Relationships box in the right column of the publication page, and click Create New to get started.

Choose the Grant category when prompted.

Use the prompts and filters on the page to find the relevant grant(s) or fund(s) and link them to your publication. 


  • RGPO users should use the Related to: Me filter to find all RGPO grants they are listed on. If you do not see a grant from a RGPO program (CHRP, CBCRP, TRDRP, UCRI), please contact the RGPO open access policy team.
  • LBL users may use the title filter USDOE SC to find all LBL funding groups which will help report the publication to the USDOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information.

If this publication is not related to funding from the USDOE or RGPO, or if you do not see the relevant grant/fund, click the "Not externally funded" or "Grant not list" buttons at the top right of the page as appropriate.

After linking your grant/fund, click Done to return to the publication page.  

Add a grant/funding link to one or more publications from the "Create links" page 

The "Create Links" page allows you to link one or more publications to one or more grants/funds. Find Create Links page in your navigation bar, or click this quick link to go directly to the page.

Choose the types of links you wish to create: Publications and Grants. (While other options may be open to you, they are not currently a part of the LBL or RGPO open access compliance program.)

By default the system filters publications within the prior three years and grants/funding within the prior five years and which are linked to you. Use the Change button to update the filters if needed.

Tick the boxes of the publication(s) and grant(s) in the list to connect the grant/fund that sponsored your work to the work itself.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to review your selection and click the Create (one) new link(s) button to link the grant(s)/fund(s) to the publication(s).

You may receive a notice that a link could not be created. Click the link "Find out why" to receive the system explanation.


If none of your publications or grants appear, scroll to the top, and click the Change button under the relevant category to adjust the date and linked to filters: 

To see more publications or grants, select an earlier date (be sure that you include a month, date, and year), and then select the Go! button. 

On the right side of the screen, where you’ve selected the “Grants” radio button, you should see a list of DOE funds. 

LBL users: If no USDOE funds are listed, add the filters Title: USDOE SC and Linked to: Anyone

RGPO users: If your grant is not listed, add the filters Title: <grant name> and Linked to: Anyone

Remember to select the Go! button to apply your changes. 

If you do not see the relevant grant/fund, or if you require further assistance, please contact the LBL or RGPO open access policy support team.